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Winter Snow

The January Challenge

Welcome to the January Cycling Club Challenge!

January can be one of the toughest months for cyclists — cold weather, shorter days, and motivation can all make it challenging to get out there and ride. But we’re here to help you push through, have some fun, and stay active while making the most of this winter month! Whether you’re braving the outdoors, riding indoors virtually, or combining both, we can keep riding, have fun, and celebrate progress.


How It Works:

Every second day, we’ll present a new challenge for our Club members. Some will be outdoor rides, others virtual, and some focus on skills or photos.  At the end of each challenge, share your results (photos, stats, or videos) in the comments under the specific Facebook challenge post. Don’t forget to tag the club and use the hashtag #CABCinJanuary to stay connected and track your progress!


Prizing will be awarded at the end of the challenge 



  • Participants must be CABC members.

  • All submissions must be posted under the specific Facebook challenge post within the designated challenge timeline. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Results will be featured on the CABC website.

  • Feel free to adapt challenges to fit your situation.

  • The judging decision is final.

  • Do as many or as few challenges as you like!


Remember, this is all about fun, motivation, and community. We understand not all challenges will suit everyone. If you can’t complete a specific challenge due to restrictions, feel free to substitute it with something that fits you.

January 1–2: "New Year, New Distance"

Challenge: Most kilometers logged in 2 days

Winner: Paul Burns 

Submission: 114.04km! Way to go Paul!

January 3–4: "Hardest Sprint"

Challenge: Highest recorded 30 second watts.

Winner: Shawn Brownlee 

Submission: 624W!

January 5–6: "Best Cycling Photo" - Club Vote
Challenge: Take the best cycling photo during your ride.

Winner: Felix Lee 



January 7–8: "Climbing King/Queen"
Challenge: Climb the highest elevation in 2 days.

Winner: Eli Barker 

Submission:  2124m 

January 9–10: "Power Surge"

Challenge: Highest recorded 5 second watts

Winner: Adam Hoosen 

Submission: 1169w!

January 11–12: "Longest Ride in One Go"
Challenge: Log the longest ride time in a single activity.

Winner: Paul Burns 

Submission:  101.6km

January 13–14: "Ride On"

Challenge: Receive the Most Ride On’s on Zwift

Winner: Paul Burns 

Submission:  48 Ride ons 

January 15–16: "Cycling Skills" - Club Vote

Challenge: Demonstrate your coolest cycling skill or trick.

Winner: Shawn Brownlee

Submission: Track Stand

January 17–18: "Dress the Part" Challenge - Club Vote

Challenge: Ride in costume (e.g., superhero, movie character) and capture a picture during your ride.

Winner: Barker Family 



January 19–20: Pedal Stroke Power
Challenge: Track your average cadence over a 30-minute ride. Maintain the highest average cadence.

Winner: Josh Barker 

Submission:  102rpm

January 21–22: "Photo Finish" - Club Vote
Challenge: Ride as far as you can and capture your final moment with a "finish line" photo.

Winner: Howie Therriault



January 23–24: "The Recovery Ritual"

Challenge: Show us your best post ride recovery indulgence. Meals, activities.... 

Winner: Josh Barker 


Races: List

January 25–26: "Climbing King/Queen"

Challenge: Climb the highest elevation in 2 days.

Winner: Shawn Brownlee 

Submission: 2151m

January 27–28: Best CABC kit photo - Club Vote

Challenge: Send your Best CABC photo!

Winner: Josh Barker



January 29–30: Most creative Route Map - Club Vote

Challenge: Get creative with your ride and map out something truly unique.



January 31: "Celebrate the Month!"

Challenge: Most kilometers logged in the month of January.

Winner: Ted Dahms

Submission: 1524kms

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